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A photo of Emily, a tutor from University of South Florida-Main Campus


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I am very passionate about American Sign Language and the Deaf Community. I have been involved in my Deaf community for 13 years, and would not be who I am today without it. I followed my passion to college and received my Bachelor of Art's degree in American Sign Language Interpreting from the University of South Florida. Since then I have predominately been working in the school systems as an American Sign Language interpreter. I am currently working on becoming a certified ASL teacher in the state of FL.

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Emily’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of South Florida-Main Campus - Bachelor in Arts, Sign Language Interpretation


I enjoy fishing, and boating. When I have down time I like to get my hands covered in dirt tending my garden. I enjoy reading and listening to music. I enjoy cooking.

Tutoring Subjects

American Sign Language


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