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A photo of Brandy, a tutor from Bellevue University


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SIE, Series 63, Series 7 licensed. I am a Financial Services Rep at a major Brokerage Firm in which I have been with with for two years. Passed each of my tests on the first try. I'm very skilled at teaching. I was previously licensed as a Life Insurance agent (Life Insurance and Annuities). I have a history in the Financial Industry working with Workers Comp Insurance and other Business Insurance. I have a Bachelors degree in Psychology.

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Brandy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bellevue University - Bachelor of Science, Psychology


I love action movies. I enjoy viewing many forms of art. I am a very comical person to be around and very welcoming. Feel free to be yourself around me.

Tutoring Subjects

Professional Certifications

Series 63

Series 7

Series 7 - General Securities Representative Exam (Stockbroker)


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