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A photo of Brandie, a tutor from Texas Womans University


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I am a graduate of Texas Woman's University in Denton, Texas. I received my Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. I received my Executive Master's of Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting. I am most passionate about Introduction to/Principles of Accounting I and II. In my experience, I have helped many students understand general accounting concepts and practices and to dispel fears about learning accounting. I am a firm proponent of education, believing it to be absolutely necessary for an improved quality of life, and I try to impart this appreciation to all of my students. I also believe each student has a responsibility to themselves to learn the material presented. My responsibility is to present the info in such a manner that each person's "Learning Style" can be capitalized upon. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and crafts.

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Brandie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Texas Womans University - Bachelor in Business Administration, Accounting

Graduate Degree: Texas Womans University - Masters in Business Administration, Accounting


Reading, Crafts, Family, Gardening, word/math games

Tutoring Subjects



College Accounting

High School Accounting

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