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A photo of Cynthia, a tutor from University of Cincinnati-Main Campus


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I am a board certified acute care nurse practitioner. I have over ten years experience in cardiology and electrophysiology as a NP. I currently work part time in the hospital setting. As a nurse, I worked in neurology, neurosurgery and intensive care. I believe the human body is an amazingly complex work of art and mechanics. All of the systems of the body need to work together for optimal health. A major strong point of nursing is understanding no body system is separate and being able to look at a patient in totality. I love to teach and see the "ah-ha" moment when those concepts makes sense and can fit into that bigger picture of the human body. I also love when I get to have one of those moments as well. I believe you should never stop learning. If you stop learning, you stop growing. I spend my spare time gardening, cooking, hiking and with my children.

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Cynthia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Cincinnati-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: University of Cincinnati-Main Campus - Master of Science, Adult Health Nursing


I enjoy gardening, cooking, hiking, yoga and spending time with my children. I am also slowly relearning how to sew.

Tutoring Subjects

AACN - American Association of Colleges of Nursing

ANCC - American Nurses Credentialing Center



NCLEX-PN Prep Course

NCLEX-Registed Nurse

NCLEX-RN Prep Course


Professional Certifications

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