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A photo of Madalina, a tutor from University of Kansas


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I have a Ph.D. in French literature from the University of Kansas. I also spent an academic year in Strasbourg and a summer in Paris. French is my most enduring passion. I was an Instructor of French at the University level for over 20 years, both as a T.A. and Fixed-Term Assistant Professor. I always researched new ways of engaging students, from creating new games to incorporating culture in language lessons. My favorite teaching experience was tutoring students one-on-one. During these sessions, I learned more candidly the students' needs and was inspired to come up with new ways of explaining and practicing concepts. I was grateful to my students who sought help during office appointments, because my teaching improved in response to their questions. I believe one-on-one interaction is one of the most effective ways to learn a subject, because the learning is active: the student is engaged and the feedback is immediate. In addition to French, I have a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas. I enjoy very much reading literature and I write notes on a regular basis. I often revise my writing and pay attention to detail. I am interested in the nuances of language and am careful with standard grammar. I would enjoy tutoring students in English to help them acquire the tools to edit their own writing for improved clarity and expression. Finally, I also have three years of experience tutoring Algebra as an undergraduate student through the Kansas Algebra Program (for 25 hours a week), and I taught Calculus as a T.A. for a year and a half while studying math at the M.A. level. I want to be a lifelong learner and tutoring is my way of sharing my passion for learning with others.

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Madalina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Kansas - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: University of Kansas - Doctor of Philosophy, French


I love learning new languages, discovering art works (paintings, installations), reading fiction (especially fantasy), writing (daily notes), and taking long walks in nature.

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French


French 2

French 3

French 4


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