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A photo of Samantha, a tutor from University of Scranton


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As a math teacher with more than ten years experience, I find that my favorite teaching moments have been helping students find confidence in math. My favorite courses to teach are high school math courses like Algebra, Geometry, and PreCalculus. However, I loved my time teaching Middle School and opening up the possibilities in STEM to my students. My graduate degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment has helped me gear my teaching to each of my students using varied approaches and data-driven techniques.

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Samantha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Scranton - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: Regis University - Masters in Education, Curriculum and Instruction


I enjoy doing puzzle of all kinds: jigsaw, crosswords, Sudoku, and KenKen to name a few. I have enjoyed crocheting for the past several years. I like to stay active by walking or hiking in near my home.

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