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A photo of Therese, a tutor from Barnard College of Columbia University


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I am currently a rising senior at Barnard College of Columbia University studying Anthropology and Psychology.

The college admissions process, while at first daunting, is a pivotal moment in a student's academic career. Standardized tests especially are all about practice. I want to work with each student to help them actualize their goals by tailoring to their individual learning style and teaching them the strategies necessary for conquering the ACT.

I believe that writing is a dynamic process, and a successful writer is someone who can communicate their ideas effectively. My goal is to guide each student at whatever stage they are in and to help them clarify, organize, and strengthen their content by engaging in fruitful dialogue. The end result is a piece that demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic in their own unique voice.

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Therese’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Barnard College of Columbia University - Bachelor in Arts, Anthropology

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 31

ACT English: 35

ACT Reading: 34


Reading, Writing, Travelling, Hiking, Singing, Piano, Cello, Ukulele

Tutoring Subjects

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