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A photo of Anna, a tutor from Swarthmore College


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I am a current student at Swarthmore College. I am working towards a bachelor's degree with a focus in English literature and Asian Studies. I have experience tutoring literacy and reading with elementary school aged students through working with the nonprofit SummerCollab and my college's organization Dare2Soar. Through these experiences, I have developed a dedication to providing educational resources to low-income areas and students. I am most passionate about English literature, writing, and reading. Outside of tutoring I play tennis and field hockey and enjoy reading (and am willing to provide any reading recommendations!) and writing poetry.

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Anna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Swarthmore College - Bachelor in Arts, English

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1500


Tennis, field hockey, literature, philosophy, writing poetry

Tutoring Subjects


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing

Middle School Writing


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