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A photo of Serghei, a tutor from Bucharest Electronic University


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I remember when I was 12 a rowing coach came to my school and invited those who wanted to practice sport to join his team. His presentation was very attractive: rowing on a lake in the sunset, no physical contact with the adversary, the winner decided objectively We were 9 boys who decided to try it.
When we started training, we were given old rowing skiffs and the training program, and very superficial supervising. As time passed by, my friends got bored by the apparent lack of interest of our coach , and gave up. After one month we were only two left. That's when the coach approached us and, with a smile, said that the sifting period had passed, and it was time to start training seriously. And seriously we did since both of us, the remaining boys, made it to the national team.
The moral of the story is obvious: unless one understands himself where his interest lies, one will not get good results!

My hobbies: bridge, movies, classical music

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Serghei’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bucharest Electronic University - Engineering in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree: Bucharest Electronic University - Diploma of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Drafting


My hobbies: bridge, movies, classical music

Tutoring Subjects

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