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A photo of Minh-Thu, a tutor from University of Oregon


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My experience in direct-patient care and employee training has developed into a belief that positive and accurate healthcare information improves the consumer and patient experience.

My background in journalism enables me to communicate clearly and succinctly with students. I have extensive experience in a variety of pharmacist skills, including clinical, drug information and medication assessment, formulary and utilization management, clinical trial evaluation and policy development and direct-patient care.

In order to stay relevant and communicate accurate information, I maintain knowledge of the current standards-of-care, new therapeutics, and clinical guidelines in a variety of diseases. I have a proven track-record of taking this clinical knowledge and transforming it into user-friendly language directed at health-care providers of all levels, business professionals, consumers, employees, and students.

Along with general disease (e.g. cardiovascular, infection prevention) my subject matter expertise includes cancer therapeutics in both solid and liquid tumors (hematology and oncology), chronic inflammatory disease (including auto-immune), neural and mental health (e.g. major depression, Parkinson's disease), and rare disease.

I am a dedicated worker with strong organizational skills and an aptitude for building positive relationships. In addition to my pharmacy credentials, I bring years of communication and clinical expertise.

As somewhat of an idealist, I believe providing quality information to any audience only results in a better understanding, and I can help facilitate that.

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Minh-Thu’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Oregon - Bachelor of Science, Journalism

Graduate Degree: Pacific University - Doctor of Medicine, Pharmacy


Writing, strength training, yoga

Tutoring Subjects

MPJE - Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam


Professional Certifications

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