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A photo of Schuyler, a tutor from University of Maryland-Baltimore


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Hello! My name is Schuyler and I am a registered nurse here to help you in succeed in your nursing courses and help you pass the NCLEX-RN examination. I have Bachelors degrees in both Nursing and Psychology. I have been an RN for three years, working with critically ill medical and surgical patients at a level one trauma center. I am a student myself! I am currently in school to obtain my Doctorate in Nurse Anesthesia (Class of 2023!). I have my Critical Care Nursing Certification, as well. Nursing, although highly rewarding, can be CHALLENGING whether it be academics and examinations, to clinicals and utilizing our training in the real world. Let me help you with your transition into practice as we focus on your personal goals, be it getting an A in Pathophysiology, finding your strengths and building confidence in the clinical environment, to Ace-ing the NCLEX in 75 on the first try!

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Schuyler’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland-Baltimore - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: Emory University - Current Grad Student, Nursing (RN)


Traveling, Exercise, Creative Writing, Pets, Foodie

Tutoring Subjects




Professional Certifications

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