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A photo of Theresa, a tutor from American InterContinental University-Houston


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My teaching statement is to provide help to students with subjects that I have experience with. I will try my very best to help students understand what subject I am teaching. I like to have open communication with my students so they are comfortable coming to me when confused or lost in my explanation. Finally, I will continue to learn about the different subjects that I am teaching as things are always changing so I want to stay current on all topics.

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Theresa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: American InterContinental University-Houston - Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: American InterContinental University-Houston - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


Reading, music, binge watching shows like GOT and Stranger Things

Tutoring Subjects

AAPC - American Academy of Professional Coders

CPC - Certified Professional Coder (medical billing)

Professional Certifications

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