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A photo of Alexander Aaron, a tutor from State University of New York at New Paltz

Alexander Aaron

Certified Tutor

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Everyone dreads taking standardized tests. They can seem like an obstacle on the road of life, and studying for them often feels like trying to cram a year of classes into a month. In the meantime, you also have to juggle other obligations like school, work, friends, family, and more. You might have said to yourself "There's no way I can do this." Well, I am here to assure you that you absolutely can!

My teaching philosophy is that every skill needed to excel at the GRE or GMAT is a skill that can be learned by anyone. While there are certain educational principles that apply to everyone, it's undeniable that we each have unique aptitudes for the subjects on standardized exams. I won't merely explain the answers to individual problems and send you on your way, I'll equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to instill the underlying rules and principle governing the exam. Once I've helped identify the right learning method for you, success is inevitable, and you'll be acing the exam before you know it.

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Alexander Aaron’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: State University of New York at New Paltz - Bachelor in Arts, Economics


Fitness, Art, History, Literature, Aesthetics, Psychology, Swimming

Tutoring Subjects

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