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A photo of Erin, a tutor from Virginia Commonwealth University


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My name is Erin Harrison. I am currently studying Physics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). I have a strong background in math and science and am now finishing my senior year as an undergraduate. I started tutoring in high school as a member in the Math Honor Society and now tutor physics daily at VCU.

I really enjoy working with students to help them understand the material as well as develop the processes necessary to solve a problem. I get the frustrations of school work, having gone/currently going through it. And I also get where a lot of gaps in learning may be coming from, having recently taken the same classes I offer tutoring assistance for. My goal is to make the subject matter more intutitive for students and help them build inner confidence regarding their work.

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Erin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Virginia Commonwealth University - Bachelor of Science, Physics


Rock Climbing, Tennis, Piano, Sculpture, Cooking

Tutoring Subjects



College Physics

Differential Equations

Earth Science


Essay Editing

High School Physics

High School Writing


Middle School Math

Middle School Writing







Social Sciences

Special Relativity

Steel Drums

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