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A photo of Aquiles, a tutor from Louisiana State University and Agricultural Mechanical College


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Hi! My name is Aquiles (Acchilles) Parodi. I am a Ph.D. alumni from Louisiana State University.

At LSU I worked as a tutor over a period of 6 years, and taught several engineering labs. Back in my hometown I ventured as a tutor during high school.

I love teaching and sharing learning strategies. My tutoring strengths are remediation and strategic learning. I help students quickly learn fundamental concepts they may not fully understand. We work together to develop a study plan that works for the student and helps maintain school/life balance, and I help guide them to learning independence. I hope that my help as a tutor will guide you in your journey to learn, and will allow you to be able to learn by yourself in the future.

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Aquiles’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Louisiana State University and Agricultural Mechanical College - Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering, General

Graduate Degree: Louisiana State University and Agricultural Mechanical College - Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1400


Video games, medical device technologies, fabrication and DIY projects.

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching


AP Computer Science Principles

AP Physics 2

AP Research


College Application Essays

College Math

College Physics

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering


FE Exam - Professional Licensed Engineer Fundamentals of Engineering Exam



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office



Professional Certifications


Study Skills

Technology and Coding


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