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A photo of Keith, a tutor from University of Puget Sound


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Education is the surest path to success. For seven years it has been my privilege to guide students along that path. As a classroom teacher and substitute teacher, I have helped students from K through 12 to become their best selves. By taking the time to understand each student as a unique individual, I have helped them capitalize on their strengths in order to overcome their challenges.

I bring this student-centered approach to my tutoring, taking the time to know the student so that I can make rigorous academic content accessible to them. This allows them to approach the material with the confidence needed to achieve success, and the drive to excel at what they do.

I would be honored to help your student achieve their full potential. I look forward to partnering with you.

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Keith’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Puget Sound - Bachelor in Arts, United States Government and Politics

Graduate Degree: University of Puget Sound - Master of Arts Teaching, Elementary School Teaching

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1400


Science Fiction, Science, Music, Current Events

Tutoring Subjects

Basic Computer Literacy

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

Mac Basic Computer Skills


Microsoft Office

Middle School Math





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