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A photo of Tamara, a tutor from Barnard College


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I am a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University where I received my Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics. My academic interests while at Barnard were focused on microeconomics and statistical research. I am a believer that a strong education can propel you to achieve your goals. I think that anyone can learn math and logical thinking with a little help. I have experience tutoring high school students in Algebra I and was always helping my fellow classmates with their economics problem sets in college. While working professionally, my job demanded strong technical skills in data programming. Each year, I taught my coworkers the necessary programming skills both through classroom setting lectures and through one-on-one tutoring. In my free time I love going to spin class, learning how to cook, and watching MSNBC!

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Tamara’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Barnard College - Bachelor in Arts, Economics

Test Scores

ACT Math: 32


Cooking, Travel, NYTime Crossword, Spin Class, Reading, Yoga

Tutoring Subjects

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