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A photo of Katelyn, a tutor from The University of Texas at Austin


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I strive to tutor and teach in an encouraging, uplifting manner, and believe that acting as a teammate, mentor and friend to students leads to effective learning and positive results.

I received my MBA from SMU in May of 2018, and prior to that, graduated from UT Austin in May of 2013 with a degree in Public Relations and Communications. I currently work as a wealth manager in the Park Cities, and have experience in finance, technology and professional services.

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Katelyn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor of Science, Public Relations

Graduate Degree: Southern Methodist University - Masters in Business Administration, Finance


Traveling, pilates, cooking, and reading

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching





Essay Editing

High School Business

High School Economics


Middle School Math

Middle School Writing



Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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