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A photo of Deanna, a tutor from Minnesota State University-Mankato


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I am a graduate of Minnesota State University Mankato. I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a second Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Programming). I minored in Education. I received my Master of Science in Mathematics / Computer Science. I also have a Master of Divinity degree, earned at Asbury Theological Seminary. I was an Associate Professor of Mathematics for 33 years in Florida (the first 10 years I also taught Computer Programming.) Since retirement, I am an adjunct Mathematics and World Religions instructor, currently at two colleges, but I am in the application process for a third one. I do ancillary work (tests, exercises, videos, etc.) for Larson Texts (Common Core Middle School and High School, and College), Wiley, and McGraw Hill. While I tutor a wide variety of mathematics courses, I am most passionate about Trigonometry, Calculus, and Statistics. My passion is also for Common Core. In my experience helping struggling students, I find it productive to speak the language of mathematics (terms, factors, operators, etc.) and talk about why we do what we do. I understand that many students do not like math, whereas I love it. I can handle that! In my spare time, I enjoy running, softball, tennis, any sport, playing the piano, reading, cooking, and playing with my 2-year-old granddaughter.

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Deanna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Minnesota State University-Mankato - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science

Graduate Degree: Minnesota State University-Mankato - Master of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science


Running, Softball, Music (listening and playing), Reading

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