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A photo of Julia, a tutor from The University of Alabama


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My name is Julia Henderson. I graduated Cum Laude from The University of Alabama with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration.

As a professional, passionate, and dedicated Academic Tutor for 15 years , I combine 15 math and English expertise, listening to and observing a student's learning habits and family environment, and knowledge of various learning styles to formulate a successful plan of action for the students I tutor.

My overall goal for a student is PROGRESS, not perfection. Practice makes progress. So, together we practice, practice, and then practice some more.

Contact me TODAY to get on your path of PROGRESS TO SUCCESS!!

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Julia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Alabama - Bachelor in Business Administration, Human Resources Management


Reading, Thrifting, Spending time with family and friends, learning and growing in Grace

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Math



Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

GED Prep

GED Math




ISEE-Middle Level Mathematics Achievement


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



Test Prep

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