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A photo of Mary, a tutor from Wright State University-Main Campus


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My personal philosophy of teaching is to build upon the strengths of each student. I treat each student as an individual and teach to that individual!

I have a Bachelor's of Middle Childhood Education, received from Wright State University. I am currently in my last semester of the Master's program for Intervention Specialists.

I have been teaching for the past six years. My specialty is assisting students to be successful readers.

I began my teaching career as a paraprofessional hired to help students pass the "Third Grade Reading Guarantee". I had 9 students assigned to me, and all of my students improved their reading scores and all but one of my students were promoted to the fourth grade, by passing the third grade reading requirements.

I am an experienced teacher for students in K-8. I am ready to help students reach their highest potential in ALL subjects.

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Mary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wright State University-Main Campus - Bachelor of Education, Education

Graduate Degree: Wright State University-Main Campus - Master of Arts Teaching, Early Childhood Special Education

State Certified Teacher


Reading, Spending time with family, learning

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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