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A photo of Dr. Dominique Mccowan, a tutor from Indiana University-Southeast

Dr. Dominique Mccowan

Certified Tutor

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I have a lifelong love and appreciation of science. I have completed degrees in Chemistry and Biology (minor Geology) at Indiana University Southeast and two postgraduate degrees (Graduate Diploma in Research Methods and PhD) in tropical marine ecology and fisheries biology with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence at James Cook Universities. I worked as a teaching and laboratory assistant/manager from 2004-2015 in the fields of Ecology, Field Biology and Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology.
I finished postdoctoral research on climate change and coral reefs (ARC @ JCU) and I am editing my book from this research while I'm working as an adjunct lecturer, in hopes of attaining professorship. I appreciate the opportunity to help share my knowledge and understanding of science with anyone! And, I have some skill in partitioning understanding of complex concepts into more easily understandable and digestible bits.

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Dr. Dominique Mccowan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Indiana University-Southeast - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: James Cook University - Doctor of Philosophy, Marine Biology


Snorkeling, Scuba diving, camping, boating

Tutoring Subjects

AP Environmental Science


College Biology

Environmental Science

Life Sciences

Marine Biology


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