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A photo of Lillie, a tutor from Calvin College


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I love to learn and I have a heart for people.
Tutoring is a new experience for me.
I love working with writers/writing. I love working with people. I don't make people do the work on their own or try to take over myself. For me interaction and communication are key. I am very patient with people. I understand that some people take longer to understand things and sometimes it helps to explain a point in a different way.
Outside of academia I like to read a lot. I sing all the time. I play tennis when I can. Church is important to me. I like spending time with my family.

Availability: If what I have posted doesn't work for you email me and we can figure something out.

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Lillie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Calvin College - Bachelor in Arts, Writing, General


Tennis, Painting, Writing, Binge watching, singing, listening to music, reading

Tutoring Subjects

College Application Essays


Essay Editing

High School English

Middle School Writing



Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization



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