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A photo of Laura, a tutor from Saint Johns University


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My background with tutoring goes a long way back, to my own childhood! I am fortunate to have parents that always pushed me academically, and as a child, I had tutors to help me achieve my academic goals. Those experiences were so positive that as a high schooler, I began working at Mathnasium, teaching students of various ages in various fields of math.
Because I did well academically, the college application process was a pretty good year for me. My final decision came down to UNC Chapel Hill (I am from Charlotte, NC, so that option made a lot of sense) or St. John's University here in NYC, where I had received a big merit scholarship. As an adventurous spirit, and one that wanted to broaden my experiences, I took a leap of faith and chose to attend St. John's, where I graduated a year early (2014-2017), and to this day that is a decision that I have not regretted. At St. John's I was an Ozanam Scholar, which lead to me doing service and teaching English to students all over the world (Puerto Rico, Rome, India), and was extremely involved as a undergraduate, in many honor societies (was president of the honor society for the entire College of Professional Studies), and in a sorority. My time was so wonderful that I had the opportunity to do my MBA in one more year (2017-2018) with another scholarship as a graduate student, and that is what I am doing currently! This opportunity led to me working with and helping professors teach undergraduate business students at my university.
I love working with youth because I truly believe that educating the younger generations is the key to a stronger future. I am young myself, but especially in this sort of platform, I think that is advantageous in that I was (and still am) a student myself, and understand what is like to be in that spot, so I can help you as a student achieve your goals and succeed!

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Laura’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saint Johns University - Bachelor of Science, Information Technology

Graduate Degree: Saint Johns University - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Test Scores

ACT English: 31

ACT Reading: 34

SAT Writing: 760


Figure skating, oil painting, travel, music.

Tutoring Subjects



Business Analytics

College English



English Grammar and Syntax

High School English

High School Writing



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Writing



SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading

SAT Writing and Language

Statistics Graduate Level

Technology and Coding

Test Prep


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