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A photo of Loretta, a tutor from University of Alaska Anchorage


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In the fourth grade our teacher, Mrs. Palzskill, gave each student a large white cardboard-like piece of paper and asked each of us to write and draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wanted to be a teacher; not just any teacher, but a teacher exactly like her. Many years later, I graduated with a baccalaureate degree in Elementary Education (grades 1-8) and a minor in Recreation Leadership. I strive to combine the two when teaching students. Most educators would agree that there are primarily three types of learning: reading, visual, and hands on and most people learn things using all three styles. Students may use these skills together, at one time, or use these skills separately (depending on individual learning styles).

Another thing learned, from an audiologist, was adults who listened to lectures and speeches retain about twenty percent of what they hear. Knowing this has assisted me in teaching by lessening my frustration with students who may be having difficulty grasping concepts. I stopped blaming myself and stopped blaming the student and started to rethink about concept and material presentation. My goal is to create 'life- long learners'. Mrs. Palzskill was able to bring out the best in her students by presenting material in such a way that each student, at any level, desired to go to school and learn. My teaching skills will be beneficial to my students.

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Loretta’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Alaska Anchorage - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


reading, crosswords, skiing, spending time with my son

Tutoring Subjects

Basic Computer Literacy

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing






Professional Certifications


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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