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It could be said that I have had an unquenchable thirst for education from birth. I have always had a strong desire to understand the world around me, whether it be how to unlock the child safety features in my home as a one-year-old, or to understand the major decisions that drive our world today. Engineering was a passion of mine early on, as evidenced by my love of building with any materials available and hiding in the garage to take apart anything I could to understand how it functioned. I was fortunate enough, as a child in a large military family, that my parents always valued education, as well as strength of character, above all else. Not to mention, they had amazing patience when it came to my "hands-on" approach to learning. They never backed down from a question, and have always been there to quench my informational diet.

For as long as I can remember school has been a very important part of my life. Education is a very powerful thing and my parents have stressed that my entire life. That is not why I love education though. I value education so much because with every day in class, more of the world is explained. Not only does education answer so many of my questions, it also helps me create so many more.

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Curtis’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Villanova University - Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering Technology

Test Scores

SAT Math: 800


Sailing, Robotics, Cars, and Computers

Tutoring Subjects

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