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A photo of Shruti, a tutor from University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine


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Teaching is always something I found to be a lot of fun, but never had the chance to actively pursue. One of the best compliments I received was that when I taught a student something they were struggling with in class, they were able to grasp concepts right away. I have tutored peers in many subjects that they found difficult to grasp in class and I have experience tutoring middle and high school students, both in group and individual settings. Im from a small town in southern Illinois, where I was valedictorian of my high school class. Currently, I am a medical student at University of Missouri-Kansas City where I will be graduating from in 2022. My favorite subjects to tutor are English/Grammar and Math because these have always made logical sense to me. However, I also enjoy tutoring other science related subjects as well. My teaching philosophy is that it is always possible to try a little but harder to achieve the goals you set out to reach. Other that studying until the wee hours of the night, I enjoy trying new taco places, taking naps, and volunteering at the local free clinic.

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Shruti’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine - Current Undergrad Student, Liberal Arts and Sciences

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 34

ACT English: 35

ACT Math: 34

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 35


Medicine, volunteering, napping, and trying out new Mexican restaurants,

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