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A photo of Esther, a tutor from University of Hawaii at Manoa


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Aloha. I am from Honolulu, Hawai'i and I've recently moved to Albany, New York to study speech-language pathology. My undergraduate degree in early and elementary education has prepared me for one-to-one tutoring with children from ages 3-12 and I have a deep passion in education and child development. I have an extensive amount of experience working with children of all ages and I particularly enjoy grades 2-5. A part of my passion for education deals with my love for children and I plan to be a pediatric speech therapist upon receiving my Master's degree in May 2019. I enjoy being active and outdoors for the most part but I also believe that down time and personal wellness is very important!

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Esther’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Hawaii at Manoa - Bachelor in Arts, Education

Graduate Degree: The College of Saint Rose - Masters in Education, Speech-Language Pathology


Going to the gym, hiking, surfing, being outdoors, reading

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax



Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing

Spelling Bee

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