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My name is Mr. Isaiah Bryant, and I have been teaching in CVSD since 2015. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express how much I am looking forward to working with your child.

I grew up all over the USA (with my dad being in the Navy), but I did spent most of my life in the Pacific Northwest. I was born in Hawaii but moved when I was around 2 years of age (I have been back 4 times, since 2003). I went to elementary school in the Mead School district and two other school in CA and VA. My middle school years were spent in VA Beach and when my dad retired we moved back to Spokane Valley where I went to Bowdish and Horizon Jr. High. I graduated from University High School in 2001.

I have my teaching certificate (2015) from Whitworth University and I finished my Masters Degree July 2016. I have an undergraduate degree from Washington State University in Environmental & Resource Economics & Management with minors in American Studies, English and History. It was at WSU that I met my wife Megan (who graduated from Lakeside HS), and she has a degree in Mathematics. She just started her Masters program this past August. We have been married now for 5 years.

I spent 12 years in the Army Washington National Guard (2001-2013), and have been deployed to Baghdad, Iraq in 2005-2006. I left the guard to finish my masters degree. Beyond my course work, I have spent time in many different classrooms in Spokane, Mead, Pullman and Nine Mile where I learned as much I could to help kids learn.

Again, I look forward to getting to know and work with your student. I truly love working with high school students, it is amazing to watch them learn, change and grow. I feel fortunate that I have found a career that feels less like a job than anything Ive done before in my life.

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Isaiah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Washington State University - Bachelor of Science, Natural Resource Economics

Graduate Degree: Whitworth University - Masters in Education, Education of Individuals in Secondary Special Education Programs


Gardening, Xbox, Nexflix, researching history about Spokane

Tutoring Subjects




Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science



High School Economics

High School Political Science

High School Writing

Human Development

Human Resources



Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science


Political Science


Social Sciences

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

US Constitutional History

World Civilization


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