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A photo of Carter, a tutor from San Jose State University


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Throughout my life I've always loved to learn. Whether it be a new technology that just came out or something to further expand my knowledge of the world-- I've dived head-first into it. I am passionate about Computer Science and the related fields, and love to spread my knowledge to others. I am currently attending San Jose State University to achieve my degree in Software Engineering with a focus on graphics programming and Machine Learning/AI. What I believe makes me such a great tutor in Computer Science areas is that I taught myself programming six years ago, so I understand all the struggles that someone who is trying to learn programming are going through. In my free time I'm often playing (or creating) video games, or researching the latest technology to see if I can work it into my life and experiment with it.

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Carter’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: San Jose State University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Software Engineering


Computers, Technology, Video Games, Music

Tutoring Subjects

AP Computer Science A

Basic Computer Literacy




PC Basic Computer Skills

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

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