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A photo of Ava, a tutor from Columbia University in the City of New York


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I am currently a rising sophomore at Columbia University interested in studying Economics and Psychology. As the oldest sibling (I have a younger brother and sister), I have become the default family "homework helper" over the years. This experience has taught me how to reach younger students in an effective way, be it through fun learning games or real-life examples. Having recently taken both the ACT and SAT multiple times, I am familiar with both exams and know what it takes to do well on them. I am also familiar with the college application process, as I was going through it myself a two years ago. Many rounds of editing my own essays has taught me how to effectively structure both the essays and supplements. I love helping students learn and reinforce concepts they didn't previously understand. I am patient, enthusiastic, and creative--all traits I believe are very important when it comes to being a strong tutor!

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Ava’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelor in Arts, Economics

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 33

ACT English: 36

ACT Math: 31

ACT Reading: 36

SAT Verbal: 760

SAT Writing: 740


Photography, playing guitar (not too well, unfortunately) and hanging out with friends!

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational French


French 1


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