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A photo of Olivia, a tutor from Boston University


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I am motivated to tutor by my own experiences as a student, in particular by my history and rhetoric professors at Boston University. Since then, curiosity and learning have proven incredibly empowering for me. Language and reading, especially, have inspired moments of expression, creativity, and self-worth. Mastery of history shapes the way I see and believe in the world. We are all equipped with special skills and it's exciting to uncover how we best understand a variety of subjects. I can't wait to cultivate that feeling with students across the continuum of learning.

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Olivia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Boston University - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations

Test Scores

ACT English: 31


My mind feels most focused when my body feels active so I make sure to get regular exercise, whether it's swimming, pilates, or walking around the city. A big fan of a wide range of films and TV shows, I see media as a tool to better understand myself and the world. A healthy dose of reading each day keeps my brain and my communication skills sharp. I love animals of every kind and love taking my family's dog Lucy to the park.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

AP Comparative Government and Politics

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

Middle School Reading


Social Sciences

Social Studies

Spelling Bee

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