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A photo of Stephanie K, a tutor from Charter Oak State College

Stephanie K

Certified Tutor

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Do you have big dreams? I know how you feel because I have big dreams, too! I'd consider it my pleasure to help you fulfill your dreams. Back in the 70's, I dreamed of being the female version of Frank Lloyd Wright. Most teachers and guidance counselors tolerated my dream rather than being genuinely supportive. I wasn't trying to be a feminist or make a political statement. I was just a kid that knew what she wanted from a very young age: a career that allowed me to do what I enjoyed most - being creative and solving problems. Enjoyment of these two activities still fuels my passion for tutoring Math, Writing (Composition or Research), and Marketing. I have experience homeschooling my son from kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) and serving as a volunteer tutor at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission for K-12. College Writing and Marketing are fresh on my mind because I recently returned to college online to complete a customized Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Communications. I now use words instead of freehand sketches and artistic renderings to paint word pictures that communicate my ideas. In my free time, I love to read and study the Bible, spend time with family and friends, and cooking. I operated a personal chef service for several years and still get requests for my chocolate chip cookies. I think cookies are a great way to celebrate achieving a goal! How about you?

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Stephanie K’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Charter Oak State College - Bachelor of Science, Business Communications


Active member of Eastbrook Church. I love to write, cook, bike, and spend time with family.

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy


Business Writing

College English


Essay Editing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



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