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A photo of Jasmine, a tutor from Old Dominion University


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I am passionate about helping students because I want to empower students and provide an opportunity for them to feel prepared for college which will lead to eventually become a working professional. I want to be able to give back and help others with their dreams, goals, and visions. I previously worked as a tutor at ForKids in Norfolk, Virginia, as a teacher at Rainbow Station in Glen Allen, Virginia, and I have worked in higher education in the career services department helping students with resume and cover letter writing. I received my undergraduate degree from Old Dominion University, my first masters degree is in academic advising from Kansas State University and I will receive my second masters degree in human resources management from the University of Richmond in May 2017. I tutor college essays, resume writing, cover letter writing, mock interviews, etc. These are my favorite because I am knowledge in those areas and I want to eventually become the director of career services at an institution of higher education. My teaching philosophy is that I cannot do my job, unless you are successful. I will do everything in my power to make sure my students are satisfied with their work and have the tools that they need to be successful after our session has ended. Outside of tutoring I love to travel, I love trying local restaurants, and I love to read thriller/mystery and self-help books.

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Jasmine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Old Dominion University - Bachelors, Human Services

Graduate Degree: University of Richmond - Masters, Human Resources


Reading, traveling, trying new local restaurants, boxing

Tutoring Subjects


College Application Essays

College Business


Essay Editing

High School Business

Human Resources


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I cannot do my job unless you are successful.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Get to know what you need assistance with, your expectations of me, and what you would like to get out of our sessions.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

By providing my students with resources to use when they are not in a session with me. Practicing organizational skills and study habits to assist with becoming an independent learner.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Sending motivational quotes, holding them accountable, and checking in with them.

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