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A photo of Kody, a tutor from The University of Texas at Austin


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I'm a recent graduate of the University of Texas and a working engineer here in Austin.

While a student, I tutored my peers in algebra and calculus, and worked as part of our elementary school outreach program. I really love math and programming, and I found success as an engineer thanks to mentors who helped me understand and enjoy these topics. In my free time, I like to pay it forward by sharing what I've leaned over the years.

I'm well equipped to identify how you best enjoy learning, and it's my personal desire to make sure you have a solid understanding of the material at the end of the day. Specifically, my experience includes 5 years of on campus tutoring at the University of Texas.

As part of the UTeach mentoring program, I received formal training in different methods of educating (visual, kinesthetic, auditory), and taught engaging after-school lessons to elementary students.

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Kody’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Austin - Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering


Running, Podcasts, Ultimate Frisbee, Cooking

Q & A

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

By improving on their already existing skills, and developing their problem-solving techniques. Once a math student understands how to read problems, they can identify the relevant class topics and use the book as a successful resource to answer their own questions

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Every student is motivated differently. I would try regular affirmation -ending lessons by identifying what they excelled and improved on, and then follow up on their exams/quizzes, and help them see progress in a positive light, since it's easier to see the bad than good.

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