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A photo of Danyelle, a tutor from Pace University-New York


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My name is Danyelle and I am a rising senior at Pace University. My major is Language Culture and World Trade with a minor in Arabic and Translation. I have a passion for teaching although I will not pursue it as my career. That is why I love to tutor. In high school, I was active in student teaching and eventually became student teacher coordinator. I taught a classroom of 5th graders, French, for three hours each week. When I studied abroad in Paris, I taught a three year old English for 10 hours each week. I am constantly helping my younger brother and sister in subject areas such as English, Italian, and Science. I have a passion for knowledge as well as helping others succeed.

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Danyelle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Pace University-New York - Bachelors, Language Culture and World Trade


Model United Nations, Reading, writing (I write for The Odyssey), Traveling, Dancing, Music, French and Arabic

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French


French 1

French 2

French 3


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