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A photo of Max, a tutor from Kenyon College


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I am a recently graduated Kenyon College math and economics major. The depth of my engagement in math and economics over the past several years have made me knowledgable and enthusiastic about those subjects, and I would love the opportunity to impart my knowledge and enthusiasm to young scholars.

I also have had the opportunity to write numerous research papers, analytical english essays, and mathematical expositions and proofs during my undergraduate career. Doing so, I honed my writing and editing skills.

I believe that the best way to learn is by struggling. As a tutor, I would encourage students to work independently, teaching concepts rather than explicit solutions. I spent time working as an assistant teacher at an elementary school and am comfortable working with all ages.

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Max’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Kenyon College - Bachelors, Mathematics, Economics

Tutoring Subjects

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