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A photo of CeCe, a tutor from Boston University


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Lead by example is my teaching philosophy. If you expect your students to be punctual, you must show up on time. If you expect your students to exhibit a positive attitude, you must bring your best energy everyday. If you expect your students to work hard, you must work even harder. It is important to set clear expectations from the first day of class whether regarding attendance, attitude, participation, grading, or culture. I am a very warm, encouraging, energetic teacher. Learning is a balance between structure and having fun. I make sure to set a leadership role from the very beginning. I love to laugh, joke, and smile with my students while making sure they understand the purpose of the class is to learn, evolve, and expand their minds and horizons. I encourage them to ask important questions and to never be afraid. It is OK to make mistakes. I do not demand perfection: I ask for evolution. Students will work harder if they realize why they are in the class. It is the teachers responsibility to remind them. For instance, what is the greater goal? What do they hope to achieve? How can we make the present moments count towards a larger vision? The test is just a piece of paper unless they realize it means a lot more in terms of setting the standard for discipline, creativity, measuring their progress, and work ethic.

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CeCe’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Boston University - Bachelors, International Relations


Blogging, traveling, understanding

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Lead by example is my teaching philosophy. If you expect your students to be punctual, you must show up on time. If you expect your students to exhibit a positive attitude, you must bring your best energy everyday. If you expect your students to work hard, you must work even harder. It is important to set clear expectations from the first day of class whether regarding attendance, attitude, participation, grading, or culture. I am a very warm, encouraging, energetic teacher. Learning is a balance between structure and having fun. I make sure to set a leadership role from the very beginning. I love to laugh, joke, and smile with my students while making sure they understand the purpose of the class is to learn, evolve, and expand their minds and horizons. I encourage them to ask important questions and to never be afraid. It is OK to make mistakes. I do not demand perfection: I ask for evolution. Students will work harder if they realize why they are in the class. It is the teacher’s responsibility to remind them. For instance, what is the greater goal? What do they hope to achieve? How can we make the present moments count towards a larger vision? The test is just a piece of paper unless they realize it means a lot more in terms of setting the standard for discipline, creativity, measuring their progress, and work ethic.

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