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I am a recent graduate with double major in Financial Economics and Accounting. During my college years i was the Undergraduate teaching assistant/assistant supplement instructor for Economics I class for 4 semesters. My duties included was not confined to taking 2 hour study sessions on my won twice a week with the students of the class. I went over the topics that were discussed in the class that week and helped the students with the homework as well. I also worked with the students regarding the exams as well. I was also the the Academic Tutor for business subjects. I tutored my fellow students in subjects such as Economics, Accounting, Ethics and was one of the very few students who could tutor higher level finance courses. I think my experiences in my school and beyond have more than helped me understand what techniques and ideas can be used and implemented to get get the best out the tutoring experience. Helping others do well made me happy and seeing people do well with your help was a very pleasant experience.

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Sankarshan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Caldwell College - Bachelors, Financial Economics & Accounting


Soccer, T.V, Travelling

Tutoring Subjects




College Accounting

College Business

College Economics


High School Accounting

High School Business

High School Economics




SAT Prep

SAT Math


Test Prep

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