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A photo of James, a tutor from Concordia University-Seward


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I have taught grades 7-12 for the past four years and it could not have been more rewarding. I have always enjoyed being able to share interesting things with people they never knew and do so in a variety of unique ways so they could understand it. I personally believe that to help remember and understand something, it needs to be tied to something that was memorable. This is why meaningful relationships with teachers and the moments that you shared with them will always be the greatest tools for learning. I work to create these moments with my students.

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James’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Concordia University-Seward - Bachelors, Secondary Education / Biology


Lifting, Landscaping, Cooking

Tutoring Subjects


Anatomy & Physiology


College Biology


High School Biology

Life Sciences


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

For meaningful learning to take place there must be a meaningful relationship between the student, the teacher, and the content.

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