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A photo of Joel, a tutor from Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science


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I have been tutoring high school math, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, for more than 20 years.

Every student I've tutored has improved their test scores, gained self-confidence, and increased their class participation as a result of my tutoring.

By using my proven problem solving techniques, your student will excel in math. Problem solving is the key to mastering math, but it is also one of the hallmarks of a great education.
My educational background includes a B.A. in mechanical engineering from Columbia University, an M.S. in mechanical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Columbia University. I set a standard for myself in college to get no less than an A- in any engineering lecture class, and I did so, graduating as salutatorian. I also freelance as an engineer, designing and maintaining databases for small to mid-size companies.

I learned the art of problem solving in college and graduate school. It starts with stepping back and asking "what is going on here?" which leads to identifying the main point of the problem. Your student will write "cheat sheets" which outline all the fundamental rules relevant to a particular subject area, such as triangles. Once the main point or points of a problem are identified, the "cheat sheets" are very helpful in completing the problem.

I look forward to sharing these problem solving skills to help you succeed in math and beyond.

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Joel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science - Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree: Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Science - PHD, Mechanical Engineering


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