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A photo of Calvin, a tutor from Northeastern University


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I am a student at Northeastern University, working towards a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science. During my high school career, I took part extensively in the dual enrollment programs of local community colleges, meaning I graduated high school and entered college with an Associates degree. During my high school years, I also prepared extensively for the SAT, giving me extensive knowledge of the test and various test-taking strategies. Due to this knowledge, and personal experience tutoring some of my friends, I primarily tutor for the SAT. I always have my students take diagnostic tests for each section, preferably before we meet, so that I have a good idea of what their strengths and weaknesses are and we can really hone in on their problem areas. In my free time, I enjoy reading various historical tracts, writing passionately, and biking.

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Calvin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Northeastern University - Bachelors, Economics and Political Science

Test Scores

SAT Verbal: 780

SAT Writing: 750


Enjoys writing for the school newspaper, participating in the history club at his university, likes reading and watching movies

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