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A photo of Jordan, a tutor from Brigham Young University-Provo


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I am a CPA with a love for start-up businesses and all types of accounting. I started my career with a top accounting firm in the country and, while I loved the technical material, I wanted to see more of the business world, so I left for a start-up where I still work. I love anything to do with approaching problems in a new way and seeing things from a new perspective. Because of this I can understand one concept from a million different angles and enable you to really bring it home. I look forward to getting into some accounting with you!

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Jordan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Brigham Young University-Provo - Bachelor of Science, Accounting


Backpacking, Soccer, Traveling, Start-up Businesses

Tutoring Subjects


College Accounting

Cost Accounting

High School Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I like looking at the whole picture, both in the subject material and in your relationship with the material. Help me understand what you know, what you like or dislike, what you hate or what you love, and let me fill in the rest. While memorizing can be important, I believe if you understand the core concepts you will be a lot more prepared for the grade you need.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Of course your concerns always come first. If you have an urgent question or an issue, let me know. Otherwise let's go over your syllabus, what your goals are, and what you think about the class. Then let's make a plan for success, including taking notes, studying for tests and how to follow up to ensure success.

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