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A photo of Melanie, a tutor from University of Southern California


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Disclaimer: I am not an astronaut. Rather, I am an energetic educator with over a decade of experience in private tutoring and theatre education. Each student has his or her own way of learning, so I take pride in molding my teaching style to suit a students needs. I will explain the same concept in three different ways, always striving to connect the new information to established knowledge. If singing a song or building a Lego model or standing on my head will help make that connection, I will gleefully dive into untraditional methods to make an impact on a student. Across maths and sciences, I aim to have my students understand the WHY behind a process, not just the HOW, which creates a foundation for future knowledge instead of just a strong grading period. I love teaching students of all ages, and I cant wait to help your student achieve their goals.

Fun fact: While I am not an astronaut, my mom DOES work for NASA. She is literally a rocket scientist. Cool, huh?

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Melanie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Southern California - Bachelor in Arts, Theatre


theatre, dance, Muppets, cooking, playing with my dog

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