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A photo of Jennifer, a tutor from University of Georgia


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I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in German from the University of Georgia in 2007. The last year of my studies I participated in a student exchange at the Universitt Heidelberg in Germany. After one year there, I continued to live and work in Germany for four years. I taught English as a foreign language and earned a CELTA teaching certificate offered through Cambridge's ESL program.

In 2012 I decided to return to the US to pursue a Master of Pubic Health. I received my MPH from the University of South Florida in 2014. My favorite classes in public health were Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

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Jennifer’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Georgia - Bachelor in Arts, German

Graduate Degree: University of South Florida-Main Campus - Master in Public Health, Public Health


Playing music, current events, health and fitness, stand-up comedy

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Conversational German





German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4

High School English



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