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A photo of Alexandria, a tutor from Temple University


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I am a graduate of Temple University. I received a Bachelor of Science in Education, focusing on both Special and Regular Education. I hold a teaching certificate for the state of Pennsylvania in both of those areas. Since graduation, I have substitute taught, I have worked as a classroom aid through Extended School Year, I have had my own 5th and 6th grade classrooms, and I have worked in a daycare setting as a pre-school teacher. When I am teaching or tutoring, I think it is important that my students reach the answer or conclusion on their own, with only as much assistance as they need from me. I myself can take some time to learn new things, so I know how important it is to be patient and supportive through the learning process. I believe that learning should be a very enjoyable thing to do, and that everyone should have the opportunity to learn at their own pace and discover new things that they can enjoy learning about for a lifetime. I do yoga and take walks on a daily basis, I love to be outside in the fresh air. I also enjoy sewing, knitting, and making fun crafts with felt.

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Alexandria’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Temple University - Bachelor of Science, Elementary/Special Education


Sewing, knitting, making fun crafts

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

High School English



Middle School Math




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