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A photo of Pradeep, a tutor from JNT University


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I know how important a tutor can be and what kind of difference he can make in a student's life and career. When I was a kid, my favorite subject was Mathematics. I was very interested in numbers and enjoyed solving problems, but I had my challenges with some concepts. Then, in middle school, I had an amazing Math teacher who realized my interest in Maths, inspired me, and pushed me to get better. From that year i was able to overcome the challenges. I got much better with all the concepts and there was no turning back.

I became so good in Mathematics, that I have decided to pursue engineering. I did my masters in computer science from Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. While I was studying for my Masters I had a great opportunity to be an SAT Math Tutor and help kids learn and improve in SAT Math. I helped them to get not just good but great test scores and pursue their dreams just like I did. It is very important to have great SAT scores to enroll in good colleges and achieve your dreams.

I am passionate and patient with kids while teaching them Math. Try to understand what their challenges are, analyze them and tackle them one step at a time. I was able to help a lot of students get better with maths and their SAT math scores. I Currently tutor Middle School Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Statistics, SAT Math and Other Test Preps.

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Pradeep’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: JNT University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Graduate Degree: Monmouth University - Master of Science, Computer Science


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