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A photo of La Toya, a tutor from New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business

La Toya

Certified Tutor

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I graduated from New York University's Stern School of Business with a B.S. in Marketing, International Business, and Computer Applications. After graduation, I worked as a Systems Analyst for two years. During that time, I volunteered at a NYC After School Program for "at risk" elementary, middle, and high school students. This experience inspired me to become a New York City substitute teacher and enroll in Teachers College, Columbia University. I graduated from Teachers College with a M.A. in Elementary Inclusive Education with a Gifted Extension and became a middle school math teacher. One of my instructional approaches that has resonated with both parents and students is to integrate students' lives into classroom content. As a result, students tend to become more engaged in active inquiry in the classroom and take ownership of their learning environment. In addition, I support the notion that a teacher should celebrate students' successes and nurture their academic and personal growth. One of my successes is that all of my students have consecutively passed statewide examinations.

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La Toya’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business - Bachelor of Science, Marketing, International Business, and Computer Applications

Graduate Degree: Teachers College at Columbia University - Master of Arts, Elementary Inclusive Education with Gifted Extension

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


High School English


Middle School Math




Test Prep


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