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A photo of Latifa, a tutor from CU Boulder


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Education helped me personally to overcome life challenges, this is why I love to help others advance in their education as well. The moment I feel the student understood a concept is a true victory for me and brings me real happiness.I am currently pursuing a degree in Biochemical Engineering. I tutor the following subjects: French, Arabic, Biology and Math. I have a two years teaching experience. On the other hand, I have tutored many friends informally on several subjects.
If there is one thing I love the most is to travel, every year my husband and I visit several countries. This year's destination is Spain and Turkey!

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Latifa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CU Boulder - Bachelor of Science, Biochemical Engineering


Traveling, reading, cooking, biking.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Algebra 3/4

AP French Language and Culture




College Algebra

College Biology

College Chemistry

Conversational French


French 2

French 3

French 4

High School Biology



Middle School Math



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