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A photo of Jacob, a tutor from Azusa Pacific University


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I went to college at Azusa Pacific University and graduated in 2013 with a Mathematics degree. I have over five years of math tutoring experience. I started in high school, working with middle school and elementary school students. In college, I worked for my school's math tutoring center where I tutored students in lower division math classes such as Intermediate and College Algebra. I am qualified to tutor most high school math courses, including Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Probability/Statistics. I enjoy tutoring Algebra the most because so many students have trouble with it and I enjoy helping them in their toughest subjects. I always try to tutor with the goal of creating an encouraging environment. Many students need verbal encouragement, but some need the satisfaction of completing more challenges. I try to find each student's strength and use it to help better the math skills. I enjoy doing a variety of things outside the academic world. I love sports and have trained for triathlons and marathons. I play soccer whenever I can. I enjoy hiking and camping, and I worked as a whitewater rafting guide for a summer. I also enjoy playing my guitar. I would love to get to know you and help you better your math skills!

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Jacob’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Azusa Pacific University - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics


Soccer, guitar/music in general, hiking, camping, rafting

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